Do you need help with homework
1. I believe that we should be able to marry who ever we wan't with out being judged or fearful, And I also believe we should never rush into something so big. I think that Cohabitation is nothing wrong, if someone decides to do this it is their decisions. I feel like people should be able to explore life together before making any big decisions. I feel Like if you decide to have a sexual relationship you should be trusting in your partner and know significant things about them. I Think people should identify how ever they wan't, there is nothing wrong with loving as you want.
2. I think intimate relationships were easier for my grandparents because people were a little more different than they are now in today's generation, I feel like in different cultures it is easier because of things like arranged marriages. In today's society we might feel pressured into compromising our beliefs like staying sexually abstinent until marriage because we can feel as though we are missing out, or we need to do what others are doing. We can also feel pressured when someone in a relationship has already chosen to have a sexual relationship. But on the other hand we can feel pressured not to have sexual relationships for things like religion, family influence, friendships, and others.
Hope this helps, You can add whatever you feel like adding or change whatever you want. Good luck!
<3Ashley<3 :P
I found just what you're looking for!
abba abba cd cd ee
Sir Phillip Sydney's (1554 - 1586) "Sonnet XXXI" is from "Astrophil and Stella" (his collection of sonnets).
Most of Sydney's sonnets follow the traditional Petrarchan rhyme scheme (named after the Italian sonneteer Petrarch). However, Sir Phillip Sydney used a different rhyme scheme created by himself in Sonnet 31. The rhyme scheme of this sonnet (31) is abba abba cd cd ee.
I'd say the answer is B, its just the most logical in my opinion. Plus its true.