An example of irony used in The Outsiders Book: "You ought to know better than to run away in just a sweatshirt, and a wet one at that. Don't you ever use your head?" he sounded so much like Darry that I stared at him.
The first poem he uses rhyme
It’s form pls mark as brainlist
The author develops the marital harmony theme through plot details. The author develops the small-town gossip theme through setting details. The author develops the coming-of-age theme through point of view.
They are similar in that they see 2 things:
1. Wisdom/Knowledge
2. Memories
In reality, they cannot have one without the other. They gain knowledge and they have wisdom to share. But, with knowledge comes "knowing" and remembering the past. They see things they thought they never would see and it is impossible to not allow it to drain them when they see bad memories that they cannot erase or get rid of.
She was able to get rid of the knowledge and the memories. She ends up killing herself - wiping her receiving gift out.
You need to ask yourself, how does Jonas react differently towards the bad stuff he sees...
Rosemary was smart, but the memories were killing her. When she was Released - let go from the burden of knowing all of that - the memories went back to the people. They were in anguish again.