<span>Long after the world to which it belonged has vanished, a habit of thought will live on, indelibly imprinted upon a race or nation, like the footprint of some extinct beast or bird upon a piece of stone.
The word indelibly refers to the anything that is impossible to remove or forget. It is the mark that cannot be erased.</span>
is what you know about odyssey's and how he has changed over the course of his journey to explain how the theme to strength is knowing when not to act as shown in the story
“The Journey” Analysis – Nicholas Gupta
From the beginning of the poem the speaker introduces us to the sudden realization that we can listen to our own self-conscious and still excel through life. ”The voices around us” the voices of society, do nothing but “shout their bad advice”
Is A Space Open To The Public Generally As An Access Way For Transitory Use . <span />
Adult Learning and Teaching (degree program) ALT. Assistant Language Teacher. ALT. Argon Laser Trabeculoplasty.