Computer is very important thing in hotel industry . Nowadays every work needs computer. in hotel industry computer is needed for keeping records of customers, staffs, income etc.
The answer is climate because the words growing season refers to the climate of the area
The oceans cover around 70 percent of the Earth's surface - so at least two-thirds (the other options one half and one-forth are out, since they're less than that)
The different sources mention 70, 71 and 72 percent - but they refer mostly to the oceans.
The exact answer is problematic, as it's only an estimation and it depends also on seasonal rivers which are not stable - but since even 72% of earth is covered by oceans, then i would say we can add the lakes and rivers and we will end up with 75% - answer d) (but i can imagine that some tests, depending on their sources want you to answer b)