Food takes about 6 to 8 hours to completely pass through the digestive tract.
Imagine studying a cell. That cell has billions of things you can learn about. Now imagine 37.2 trillion cells each a little bit different but still similar. Now imagine that multiplied by all the different people there are on earth. Now then include all the other types of living animals.
That's biology
The environment the moths lived in used to be unpolluted. This made dark moths rare. As the area where light moths were found became more polluted, the light moths became less common in the polluted/dark areas. Light Moths began to evolve after not being able to survive in dark forests, they began to get darker and blend in with the polluted area to be safe from predators.
The only part of the two answers that is correct it the second part of answer A) which says “Release enzymes that digest cells.”
The other answers are not correct because...
*Fungi CAN be single and multicellular organisms.
*Fungi doesn’t have chlorophyll there for it doesn’t have the ability to do photosynthesis.
*Fungi does have the ability to attach to hairy areas.
Un depredador y sus presas coevolucionan, el depredador se vuelve más eficiente en perseguir y matar a sus presas y las presas dearrollan nuevas defensas y formas de escape. La coevolución impone presiones selectivas. Éstas a su vez llevan a una carrera armamental de adaptaciones mutuas progresivas