Supply is the total amount of a good or service that is available to consumers.
Supply refers to the quantity of products or services which a producer is willing to sell or offer its customers at a given price level at a particular point in time. Supply is positively related to the prices given because at higher prices, there is an incentive to supply more as higher prices may cause revenue and profits to increase.
The Pandemic and class conflict in the U.S. and across the world has a close connection.
While it is true that the virus can infect everyone, from rich to poor, to even presidents and prime ministers, if we look at the statistics in many areas, it can be seen that not only poor people are more likely to get sick from the virus, they are also more likely to die from it.
This is because poverty is a condition that affects every single aspect of a person's life: from the way they dress, to the type of house they dwell in, to they kind of medical care they have access to. In fact, many poor people do not even have healthcare.
In this sense, the lower class is more likely to suffer and die from the virus, and this is why it is important that government around the world step in and protect the poor by providing them with healthcare, and with guaranteed incomes if they lose their jobs, or have to stop working due to the lockdowns and the economic decline.
Everyone does, in fact have the right to take part in the government of his country.
Hope this helps!