In the Odyssey, Circe, daughter of Helios, is a witch who transforms the main character's crew into pigs when they eat a feast. One of them, a cautious man, sees what happens to the others and warns Odysseus about it.
On his way to Circe's, Odysseus is met by the god Hermes, who gives him a magic herb called moly. By eating it, Odysseus won't turn into a pig. He is also instructed to overpower Circe when she draws her sword and to make her swear not to harm him. After giving Odysseus her word, Circe agrees to restore his men to their human state and invites them to stay with her. They stay for a year and Odysseus and Circe become lovers. She ends up becoming a valuable character, for she predicts much of what will happen to Odysseus and instructs him about it.
The Brits prefer robust black teas like Earl Grey or English Breakfast. And you may use either tea bags or loose tea; both are perfectly acceptable. If you choose loose tea, you'll need a strainer for your cup or teapot.
I think it was well written because the concept seems interesting in itself that people could go back in time or into the future. Albert Einstein has a better theory though
Imperialist ideals are reflected heavily in this answer. The paragraph acknowledges the tragedy of the negatives effects imperialism brought the native Americans. Yet, right after, it gives a reason as to why it wasn't that bad for both sides. Someone with Imperialist views would most likely write this paragraph to push the blame away from them a little.