True they’re less commitment bound
The situation above represents an example of selection bias.
Selection bias occurs when there is a failure in the selection of factors, individuals and information for a given study.
In the case shown in the question above, we can see that an electoral survey was carried out, where voters did not prove whether they had registration for voting, therefore the information given by them, could not be relevant to the study in question. In this case, we can say that there was a failure in the selection of information, which may result in an inaccurate and incorrect study.
Could you provide options to choose from? That would make it easier!
The meaning of coccyx
a small triangular bone at the base of the spinal column in humans and some apes, formed of fused vestigial vertebrae.
I feel that crayons are not as good as coloring pencils or markers, because they do not draw nicely. If you go over it, it will have an erase-like effect that will leave a spot white. Crayons are better for smaller children who are not allowed to use pens or markers, because it lets them have a more creative imagination. They are easier to use on bigger spaces, rather than adult coloring books that have small spaces to color.