(C) Their kingdom was divided into two, Israel and Judah, after Solomon’s death.
The annex was in the upstairs part of the Amsterdam building. Some of the rules were that during the office hours in the building, those in the annex had to stay very quiet and avoid walking around. No one could go downstairs. They were not allowed to flush the toilets or look out the window during the office hours.
"Regular Sunday worship in the local church was paralleled by illicit, or at least informal, prayer meetings on weeknights in the slave cabins. Preachers licensed by the church and hired by the master were supplemented by slave preachers licensed only by the spirit. Texts from the Bible, which most slaves could not read, were explicated by verses from the spirituals. Slaves forbidden by masters to attend church or, in some cases, even to pray, risked floggings to attend secret gatherings to worship God."
i hope this helps!