Loyalty and betrayal are both minor themes linked to the more prominent themes of servitude versus freedom, in the Tempest. ... Antonio betrayed his brother and stole the dukedom of Milan from him while he (Prospero) was studying. Being the loyal man that he is, Prospero did not expect his brother evil grab for power.
The pardoner is really bad and this is admitted by him.
The pardoner admits that he acts out of greed and hypocrisy. He recognizes that he is a bad person, a crook, who has no remorse for twisting the faithful and exploiting the offerings they give to the church. The padorner's lack of remorse is because he is so used to being a crook that he cheats automatically, without thinking twice, even though he knows it's a sin.
He is accepting of his grandson’s ignorance.
The poem "Birdfoot's Grampa" is written by Joseph Bruchac, who also incorporates his Native American heritage to his works. The poem is of three stanzas about one incident of when the speaker is traveling with his grandfather.
In the poem, the speaker reveals when a long drive with his <em>"old man"</em>. But he gets frustrated at the old man for stopping occasionally to <em>"gather into his hands the small toads blinded by our lights"</em>.The young boy's frustration did not seem to affect Grampa for he did what he wanted o do, telling his grandson <em>"they have places to go too"</em>. This statement only reveals that he is accepting of the young boy's ignorance and did not seem to get angry with his impatience.
To describe or point a specific thing out
Particularly can also be used to show how something is different
The Man who was smart in school, has grown up to be unintelligent