On the 18th of April 1775, I, Paul Revere, was so excited I got to ride my horse through the country side warning other colonists the British were coming.
I begged to get involved so I could help my country get their freedom from the British. It meant everything to me, freedom is great to have.
When I was riding I saw soldiers. I was confident I could get past them, so I went as quickly as I could and got past them all! Victory! I also picked up my friends John Hancock and Sam Adams.
Before, when I saw the lanterns I rushed to get where I needed to go. I rushed to the harbor, I rushed across the water, I rushed to get to my horse, I even rushed on my horse. I did it, I warned the colonists, I told them to put up the lanterns. We all fought for freedom! We were all victorious. I, Paul Revere, did it.
there you go! i hope this helps.
<u>Expectancy</u> theory argues that employee behavior is based on the perception that a specific level of effort will lead to specific amount of performance and the achievement of desired outcomes.
It was held by two consuls, or leaders, who ruled the Roman republic
Yes lying does matter
In the bible, Jesus says it is not good to lie.
They needed people to work the factories with the men are gone to war.