Switchback is a valid word in this word list. ... The word "switchback" uses 10 letters: A B C C H I K S T W. No direct anagrams for switchback found in this word list. Words formed by adding one letter before or after switchback (in bold), or to abcchikstw in any order: s - switchb
I think it’s A how special a working radio is in this setting and time period
Accede is a synonym of acquiesce.
Acquiesce is a synonym of accede.
As verbs the difference between acquiesce and accede is that acquiesce is to rest satisfied, or apparently satisfied, or to rest without opposition and discontent (usually implying previous opposition or discontent); to accept or consent by silence or by omitting to object; — followed by "in", sometimes also by "with" and "to" while accede is (archaic|intransitive) to approach; to arrive, to come forward.
I'm sorry! Am I too late?