Computer ethics is a field of applied ethics that addresses ethical issues in the use, design and management of information technology and in the formulation of ethical policies for its regulation in society.
Either word or I would suggest using google docs and word and compare.
You can set up a resume in word.
Answered below
The next line is 1.
The python count function returns the number of times an element appears in a tuple or a list.
In the tupleB tuple, 7 is passed into the count function. The number of times 7 appears in tupleB is just once alongside 5, 2.7, 10 and 5. Therefore, the count function returns 1 in the next line.
Answer: These are all the computers they use All.
All In One Computers.
Medical Grade Computers.
Medical Tablets.
Medical Box PCs.
Medical Box PCs.
Displays & Monitors.
Medical Grade Monitors.
A computer virus is a self-replicating program which are malicious and are designed to infect and gain control over a computer without the owner's knowledge.
To protect your computer from viruses especially when downloading files from the internet, it is advisable for one to perform regular windows security updates. This is because because windows have malware definitions to its windows defender and security essential utilities.