Among the bills vetoed by Tyler was a measure to re-establish a national bank. In response to these vetoes, most of Tyler's cabinet resigned, and Whig congressmen expelled Tyler from the party. A resolution calling for his impeachment was introduced in the House, though it was later defeated.
The Evaluation Step- A policy cycle consists of several steps, like agenda building,
formulation, adoption, implementation, evaluation, and termination. After implementation,meaning building of the park, the evaluation stage will look at the results of the implementation, which in this case, is the increase in juvenile crime rates.
The Aborigines found themselves in a situation were they were systematically assimilated into a new culture without being able to do anything. The children where taken away from their parents, and they were raised by people that were of British descent or were educated in British based institutions. That led to the children learning only what their British parents and institutions were teaching them, thus not being able to preserve anything from the Aboriginal culture.
Also, there were forced marriages between the British settlers and the Aboriginal women with the purpose of ethnically wiping out the Aborigines in few generations. That was one of the worst methods that has been used for destroying indigenous people.
Religions like Taoism and Confucianism have Hindu influence, while Islam is a relatively new religion itself.