The correct answer is D) They cultivated the “three sisters” crops of corn, beans, and squash.
The two agricultural contributions that are common to both Northeast Woodland Indians and Southeast Indians are the following: they cultivated the “three sisters” crops of corn, beans, and squash.
The term "three sisters" in agriculture refers to the most important crops in the agriculture fields of some Native American tribes such as the Northeast Woodland Indians and Southeast Indians. The crops were corn, beans, and squash. The Native American Indians used a special agriculture technique called companion planting, that was the planting of different crops close to each other. So squash, corn, and beans were planted in proximity to each other.
How wide is the Amazon river at its widest point
The Stamp Act (March 1765) To recoup some of the massive debt left over from the war with France, Parliament passed laws such as the Stamp Act, which for the first time taxed a wide range of transactions in the colonies.
The Townshend Acts (June-July 1767) Parliament again tried to assert its authority by passing legislation to tax goods that the Americans imported from Great Britain.
The Boston Massacre (March 1770T) Simmering tensions between the British occupiers and Boston residents boiled over one late afternoon, when a disagreement between an apprentice wigmaker and a British soldier led to a crowd of 200 colonists surrounding seven British troops.
The significant advantage possessed by the Union at the beginning of the Civil War is a larger free population. They also have created big factories that can produce military supplies and ammunition. They have access to railways. This made transportation of men and supplies easier.