Make their own bed. One of my favorite ways that kids can help at home is with their laundry. ...
Bring Laundry to the Laundry Room. First, remove all hampers from your kids rooms. ...
Sort Laundry. ...
Put Laundry Away. ...
Stack Laundry Vertically in Drawers. ...
Everyone Dresses Themselves. ...
Hang Towels to Dry on Low Hooks. ...
Kids + Dishes.
I recently noticed by best friend is skipping school often to go out with his friends and I am very concerned about him.After he started befriending them his grades became worst and his personality is changing badly.
“ I would have picked up the pear now and eaten it before all the world“
A hyperbole often means the use of exaggeration, examples of this can often be overlooked. Here, it is said that the narrator wiohld eat a pear before “all the world”, which is definitely an exaggeration because that is technically not possible. It is subtle, but a good example
1.What's in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet.
a is right answer.