oaxaca or on the coast of the Pacific Ocean
The Peqout war was triggered by a dispute between English and Dutch traders over control of the fur trade. The Peqout tribe allied themselves with the Dutch and the Mohegen tribe were allied with the English. The result of the war was that the English came to dominate the fur trade in the region, and Peqot tribe was almost annihilated with most of its people either killed or captured and sold into slavery.
The invention of the printing press by Gutenberg
protestant movements succeeded a great deal because of the invention of the printing press which enabled people to access the bible and theological materials and compare them with the status quo of the catholic church. The catholic church had long abused the ignorance of the laymen in access in the bible to come up with dogmas and canon laws that are un-Biblical. Some of the catholic liturgical traditions are yet to be repealed.
Economic - several writers have noted the role of monastics as entrepreneurs.
Social - any good text about medieval monasticism can give you plenty of specific examples of this.
Missionary - some orders were more active in this regard than others.
Cultural - this is perhaps the best known of the work of medieval religious orders and included the creation of the great illuminated manuscripts of the age.