The answer is natural selection.
Natural selection will make an organism to survive and reproduce because, it will be better suited to the environment.
This is the reason why natural selection is considered as a key mechanism of the evolution.
The intervertebral discs of the spinal column and 'long bones' such as the femur and tibia.
Fissure because it's like a large gaping crack in the earth
Neurons are similar to other cells because neurons have a cell membrane, a nucleus, cytoplasm, mitochondria, organelles, and carry out processes such as energy production.
Neurons differ from other cells because neurons have extensions called axons and dendrites, they communicate with each other through an electrochemical process which we just talked about, and neurons have specialized structures such as synapses and chemicals such as neurotransmitters.
there you go
The egg is big but it is mainly the protein and fat ! the white part is albumin protein and the yolk is fat stored for baby !