European nations were rival and they also wanted to get colonies to gain an advantage over their rivals plus it was a sign of prestige and power
Three ways that the civial war impacted plantation owners where by....
1.) The plantation owners could no longer use unpaid slave labor to plant and harvest their crops.
2.) The plantation owners lost a great deal of their wealth since they could no longer afford to bring crops to market.
3.)The wives of the plantation owners now had to be responsible for cooking, child-rearing, and cleaning that was previously done by the slaves.
Hope this helped!
Have a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious day!
The dry condition of deserts helps promote the formation and concentration of important minerals.
The significance of Inflation lies in the fact that it makes you poorer in real sense.
B) Whether or not slavery was an acceptable to form of labor.
Slavery is related to the issue of morality because many questioned whether it was moral to work people that hard for no pay, and to treat them as less than human. Works like Uncle Tom's Cabin contributed to the controversy, and moral uncertainty of slavery.