resource partitioning
Based on the scenario being described within the question it can be said that this is an example of resource partitioning. This term refers to when a species divides the limited resources in order to avoid competition within it's environment. Such as the two species of mice are doing by feeding in on the same resources at different times in order to avoid competition and conflict between each other. Thus allowing them to co-exist within the same environment.
Birds have great vision and can see throughout night and day
Not all dogs hate bears but i have two awnsers.
1. the dogs are trying to protect their territory.
2. they think the bear might attack or harm their owner/ puppies.
Carbon-14 is useful to estimate the date of fossils that are less than 50,000 years old.
Option C
Carbon-14 is the best option to use by estimating the date of fossils that are below 50,000 years old. This is because the carbon-14' half-life is around 5730 years i.e. the existing Carbon-14 in the living bodies decays in 5730 years once they die.
That's the reason Carbon dating utilized to estimate the age of objects that are below 50,000 years old. Objects such as dead plants, wood or human artifacts that are younger than 50,000 years.
After the death of living beings, Carbon 12 and Carbon 14 existing in these organisms starts decaying by converting into Nitrogen. By estimating the leftover amount of carbon 14 in their bodies, scientists can evaluate their age.
Photosynthetic bacteria.
Cyanobacteria also called Photophyta are photosynthetic bacteria even some are nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Cyanobacteria have internal membranes. These are flattened sacs called thylakoids where photosynthesis is performed.