The environment is studied at different levels & stages.
Biosphere: The biosphere is the zone in which life exists. It consists of the atmosphere& the hydrosphere alongwith the earth surface where living beings live.
The biome is a community of plants and animals (flaura & fauna).
Community: A community is a group of people/living beings who live in a specific location. It is used to describe two or more populations of different species that exist at same place.
Population: A population is the multiple individuals or living organisms of a single species that live in an area.
The populations are formed by lalrge number of groups of organisms.
Group of populations form communities. The group of all communities form a biome, which exist in the biosphere.
The diagram shows:
Mitochondrial biogenesis and mitophagy are two pathways that regulate mitochondrial content and metabolism preserving homeostasis. The tight regulation between these opposing processes is essential for cellular adaptation in response to cellular metabolic state, stress and other intracellular or environmental signals.
Poison Ivy. They are plants and can make their own food aka Glucose.