I suggest you to go with first one a. there was heavy damage only within a mile of the bomb's impact. There're no closer description than that.
Statement 1 is false
King George III could not take away our President because, at the time, we did not have one. The very office and, in fact, the entire American government, had not yet been created.
a) the effectiveness of mass production.
Henry Ford was the first car producer (Ford Industries) to use the assembly line, which allowed certain groups of workers to work on specific parts of the car, while simultaneously transferring the component throughout the groups to create a full car at the end. This allowed Ford to create large amounts of cars in short amount of time, decreasing not only cost of production, but also the cost to buy the car, further making the car more popular with the people. This cycle allowed for cheap cars, which in turn made Ford rich.
elements can be grouped for better identification.
1: the third Reich
2: The aryan race
1:the term reich was part of the German names for Germany for much of history
2: the nazis beloved that aryans had the most “pure blood” of all the people on earth. The ideal aryan had pale skin, blond hair and blue eyes.