John Adams was the one who passed the Alien and Sedition Acts which punishes those who opposed the federal policies. However, Thomas Jefferson felt that these acts defy both the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. So he proposed the Nullification doctrine which states that if the federal government passed an unconstitutional law, the states are not required to follow it.
<span>The Royal Society. The full name of the group when it originated was "The President, Council and Fellows of the Royal Society of London for Improving Natural Knowledge." The group of science-minded men began their organization in 1660 and sought and received a charter of incorporation from King Charles II in 1662. Some of the key people in getting the group started were Christopher Wren and Robert Boyle. While the Royal Society had official endorsement from the king and to this day continues to have the blessing of the British government, it was and is an voluntary organization, not a government agency. During the Scientific Revolution, the Royal Society served as a clearinghouse of knowledge and a network to connect those pursuing scientific discovery. A great book that shows the role the Royal Society played in the Scientific Revolution is: Ingenious Pursuits: Building the Scientific Revolution, by Lisa Jardine (1999).</span>
• Worship of the same gods
• Common language
A, India would gain independence in 1947, and most African countries would gain independence in the 50s and 60s.