Income tax is how much you income on that respective you have to pay taxes.The more you income the more you have to pay on the other hand tariff basically based on export and import tax that u have to pay.suppose toyota company exports their cars all over the world then they should be pay a certain amount of money to exports their cars .so hopefully u get some difference between those two.
Food, population and leaders
Answer: In 1492, a Spanish-based transatlantic maritime expedition led by Italian explorer Christopher Columbus encountered the Americas, continents which were virtually unknown to and outside of the Old World political and economic system. The four voyages of Columbus led to the widespread knowledge that a continent existed west of Europe and east of Asia. This breakthrough in geographical knowledge inaugurated a period of exploration, conquest, colonization, biological exchange, and trans-Atlantic trade, the effects and consequences of which persist to the present, and are sometimes cited as the beginning of the modern era