Traditional Economy
A traditional or patriarchal economy is an economic system in which traditions and customs determine the practice of using limited resources. It is the oldest type of economy. In a traditional economy, land and capital are in common possession, and the main economic problems of society - what, how, and for whom to produce - are solved mainly on the basis of traditional tribal or semi-feudal hierarchical relations between people. The traditional economy is based on backward technology, the dominance of manual labor, and agricultural production.
This type of system is characteristic of third world countries. It continues to persist in the agricultural zones of America, Asia, and Africa. It implies natural-community forms of activity, which are based on collective farming.
Federal Indian Policy. Federal Indian policy establishes the relationship between the United States Government and the Indian Tribes within its borders. The Constitution gives the federal government primary responsibility for dealing with tribes.
When talking about the Vietnam War, it is necessary to make a distinction between the military results and the social impact of the conflict. Thus, in 1973, when the Vietnam War came to an end with an American defeat, things were going relatively well for the United States in the military field. In other words, several victories had been obtained in specific battles, although the guerrilla war continued to cause several headaches for the American soldiers. Therefore, the war was ended rather by antiwar social pressure that saw the conflict as a meaningless conflict in which America had no genuine interest and in which the lives of young Americans had no reason to be risked. Therefore, if it had not given in to social pressure, most likely America would have ended up winning the war.
The European country was Spain. Spanish conquistadors were the first to explore and map out Texas in 1519.