Look at this map from When Birds Get Flu and Cows Go Mad! by John DiConsiglio. HIV AROUND THE WORLD (2006) North America: 1.4 mi
llion adults and children living with H I V and 18,000 deaths due to H I V. Caribbean: 250,000 adults and children living with H I V and 19,000 deaths due to H I V. South America: 1.7 million adults and children living with H I V and 65,000 deaths due to H I V. From the map, a reader could conclude that HIV treatment is most effective in the Caribbean. North America. South America. the Western Hemisphere.
He is a hot-head who wants to fight. He's not interested in making peace with his rivals, but is instead quick to insult them, to challenge them and - he hopes - to brawl with them.