This occurs because REM sleep may provide at least part of the stimulation necessary to correctly develope the immature brain of infants.
REM sleep provides the electrical activity necessary to establish neural connections that include the development of synapses in the brain. These neurological process enables development of sensory, motor, learning and memory system.
There are approximately five main climate types on Earth:
How hard the blood pushes on the inside of the blood vessels is called Blood Pressure
The total amount of blood the heart pumps in one minute is called Cardiac Output
When blood vessels open wider during exercise, they are said to dilate
How many times your heart beats in one minute is called Heart Rate
The force that can put unhealthy tension on the heart as it is pumping is called Blood pressure
The amount of blood the heart pumps out in one beat is called Stroke volume.
All this concepts to the heart and cardiovascular system. It is important to know how heart is functioning to see how blood circulates.
This means that the means height (which is all the sum of the height of all the students divided by their number ) is 205 cm. Standard deviation means how the height of the students deviates from this mean since students do vary in height and are not all the same height of 205 cm. Therefore, in this case, the amount of standard dispersion of the students' height is by 17 cm on either lower or higher side of the mean.