Proteins are macromolecules composed of amino acids that perform multiple and varied functions in the body. Proteins that act as chemical messengers are present in the form of hormones, ligands, neurotransmitters, regulatory proteins and enzymes.
Genes code for proteins that in turn control all life processes. The differences we witness in individuals such as weight, height, skin color, intelligence etc are all due to our unique genetic code and a unique combination of proteins that these genes encode. Furthermore, the levels to which our genetic code is expressed is also regulated at the molecular level by proteins.
C is not sprial galaxy i think
The production of peptides linking aminoacids through peptidic bonds
Chemically, peptides are synthesized by condensation where the carboxyl group of one amino acid is linked to the amino group of the other amino acid. The most common way to make a chemical peptide synthesis is linking first the carboxyl end of one amino acid to the amino group, not in the other direction. The opposite reaction, starting from the amino end and linking to the carboxyl end, is made in biosynthesis made by living organisms.
Turning off the switch breaks the electrical current to the light - no supply of energy, the light goes off.