A Jim Beckwourth
Beckwourth Pass, which runs through the Sierra Nevada Mountains in Beckwourth, California, was discovered by Jim Beckwourth, a former Virginia slave, moved to Colorado and became businessman
The Spanish Civil War started in July 1936 with the military coup leaded by General Franco, which started a rebellion against the democratically elected Republican goverment. Since the establishment of a Republic and the abolition of the monarchy in 1931, mostly left-wing parties and progressisf leaders had won the elections.
The most conservative sectors of the army followed the fascist general Franco who, during the war, received the support of Hitler and Mussolini, specially, of their aviation military units. The democratic European states refused to help the Spanish Republic and only the URSS contributed by sending some armament.
The war ended in 1939 with the victory of the fascists and the establishment of a military dictatorship that would last until the death of Franco, the dictator, in 1975.
Our flagship World Development
Report 2012 demonstrated that gender equality and economic development are inextricably linked. It showed
that equality not only guarantees basic
rights but also plays a vital role in promoting the robust, shared growth needed to end
extreme poverty in our increasingly competitive, globalized world. The persistent constraints and deprivations that prevent many
of the world’s women from achieving their
potential have huge consequences for individuals, families, communities, and nations.
The 2012 report recognized that expanding
women’s agency—their ability to make decisions and take advantage of opportunities—
is key to improving their lives as well as the
world we all share.
2) Refusing to join the League of Nations
The best action that demonstrated the United States' effort to isolate itself from European conflicts after World War I is "Refusing to join the League of Nations."
This is evident in the fact that the United States Congress failed to pass the bill to join the League of Nations. This is based on the idea or some Isolationists' fear that it might make the United States drawn into International issues unnecessarily.