Monochromatic. Mono meaning one, chromatic meaning drawn or painted.
I hope this helped! :)
New Orleans Jazz
In New Orleans, black performers such Louis ARMSTRONG completed the transition from ragtime to jazz, creating a style known as "Dixieland" Jazz or "Hot" Jazz, as improvised over standard blues patterns.
Be polite.
As the saying goes, kill them with kindness. If someone is being impolite, either 1, look at the situation i their shoes. Or 2, just simply keep on your professional face, don't lash out, don't act with hidden violence (Etc; slamming money on the counter for them to grab) Just simply apologize and continue working. You're only there for money, or to just have fun, or any reason at all. There's no need to have one person ruin you're mood.
Have a beautiful and joyful day ahead.