The definition of epigraph according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary is "an engraved inscription."
The literal meaning of a word with no emotional or slang attachment to it
Elizabethan audiences :
-Attend open air theatres
-Can eat during the show
-Often talk, cheer or boo
Today’s audiences
-attend indoor theatres
-watch plays quietly
She says that if men want to act like animals, women should take advantage of that and bribe them.
According to Wollstonecraft, her society notions of femininity encourage women to be childish because she says and thinks that if men want to act like animals, then the women should bribe them in order to get what they want from men.
According to the author, women should take the advantage of the situation of the men acting like animals. She further says that if women are inferior by nature, why would education a threat for the men in any way. It would not.
I think it's immerse is like to immerse something