<span>On the computer there are always issues. For a developer to sit all day in front of a google that always invents things and the flashy images that disrupt everything. Googling on facebook is also an issue. Youtube, everything that contain flashy image is quite disruptive. If you think about content, maybe googling is less inventive. In a way it's nicer to buy applications but if you finally think of building it, there are always nicer ways of spending time. I prefer to go to seaside when I can.</span>
Destructor is a member function and it call automatically when the class object goes out of scope.
Out of scope means, the program exit, function end etc.
Destructor name must be same as class name and it has no return type.
~class_name() { };
For example:
class xyz{
int main(){
xyz num;
}//end program
when the object is create the constructor will called and when the program end destructor will call automatically.
Programming Languages have evolved in phases called generations. The five generations of computers are : <span>First Generation (1940-1956) Vacuum Tubes. Second Generation (1956-1963) Transistors. Third Generation (1964-1971) Integrated Circuits. Fourth Generation (1971-Present) Microprocessors. <span>Fifth Generation (Present and Beyond) Artificial Intelligence.</span></span>
Its like an emotionless crying face, mainly used for humor