Using the bitwise AND operation, the result of 1 AND 0 is 0.
10100100 XOR 11010101 = 01110001.
A common way to detect whether a value is even or odd is to use the AND 1 operation to test if the least significant bit is set.
Combining multiple flags into a single variable can be accomplished via the OR operation.
Swap codes in line 7 and 8
The code segment below
Line 1: count ← 0
Line 2: sum ← 0
Line 3: FOR EACH value IN numbers
Line 4: {
Line 5: count ← count + 1
Line 6: sum ← sum + value
Line 7: average ← sum / count
Line 8: }
Line 9: DISPLAY (average)
The above code will make the program translator calculate the average value at each iteration.
This will take a longer time to execute and also means more instructions for the program translator.
Swapping line 7 and 8 will reduce the number of instructions to execute. This will have an instant effect on the time taken to execute the program.
Swapping line 7 and 8 means that, the program translator will only calculate the average after it must have finished calculating the sum of the values in the iteration statement.
Move the duplicated code outside of the if statement
Answer: ask google and search quizlet by it , it will show you