Geographic isolation
Geographic isolation is a term that refers to a population of animals,plants and other organisms that are separated from exchanging genetic materials with other organisms of the same species. This usually occur as a result of accident or coincidence.
Liocleonus clathratus usually referred to as L. Clathratus is a species of cylindrical weevils that belongs to the curculionidae family . It can reach a length of 1cm.The body is elongated and the basic coloration is white, with
longitudinal black markings on the pronotum and elytrae.
When a Plateau is been divided into a valley as a result of natural factors such as earthquake or erossion, plants and organisms are been isolated or separated from their mass habitation. This right here is coincidental and a natural accident .
The ability to reproduce species of their kind will be limited since they are not able to exchange genetic materials with other organisms of same species as each one will be displaced into different location.
One cycle of the moon phases last for almost around 29 and a half days or 29.5 days .
There are four phases of the moon .
The average number of days between 4 intermediate phases of moon is approximately 7.4 days , however between full , waning/waxing gibbous , waning / waxing crescent,and new moon is around 3.5 days .
Due to the fact over 25,000 FLIPIN' years, it goes through ALL of the weathers on earth, it weakens the rock form and making it seem like it can't take anymore to where it collapses.