Usually program will break and or give the wrong answer depend on Programming Language and formula
the array must first be sorted.
Binary search is an efficient algorithm used to find an item from a sorted list of items by using the run-time complexity of Ο(log n), where n is total number of elements.
Binary search applies the principles of divide and conquer.
In order to do a binary search on an array, the array must first be sorted in an ascending order.
It can penetrate the blood-brain barrier.
C = M0(M1+M2+M3)+M1(M2+M3)+M2M3 is the equation which suits
From the given data we can state that we need to activate only one product i.e 1------>activated 0-------->means inactivated and also only one slot is activated at a time.The resultant will be no data inputs n control bits and 2 to the power n output bits.
The green-blue circuit board you can see in the first photo includes the disk controller, a circuit that allows the computer to operate the drive's mechanisms and read/write data to and from it. ... A small hard drive typically has only one platter, but each side of it has a magnetic coating