Some push factors were the chance to get rich, Dry farming, owning land, escaping the nightmares of the south ( slaves ). There were also longhorns to sell. Some pull factors were relatives and spouses not wanting them to go.
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The Code of Hammurabi is often cited as the oldest written laws on record, but they were predated by at least two other ancient codes of conduct from the Middle East. The earliest, created by the Sumerian ruler Ur-Nam-mu of the city of Ur, dates all the way back to the 21st century B.C., and evidence also shows that the Sumerian Code of Li-pit-Ishtar of Isis was drawn up nearly two centuries before Hammurabi came to power. These earlier codes both bear a striking resemblance to Hammurabi’s commands in their style and content, suggesting they may have influenced one another or perhaps even derived from a similar source.
It codified several branches of law, including commercial and criminal law, and divided civil law into categories of property and family. The Napoleonic Code made the authority of men over their families stronger, deprived women of any individual rights, and reduced the rights of illegitimate children.