<span> Rift Valley was formed by violent
subterranean forces that tore apart the earth's crust. These forces
caused huge chunks of the crust to sink between parallel fault lines and
force up molten rock in volcanic eruptions.</span>
Typically, Northern American colonies would develop alongside rivers due to boats and rafts which can use it as a way of moving cargo. On example of such is New Orleans, which is at the end of the Mississippi River. New Orleans benefited from trade due to it being a shipping port for carrying cargo up and down the Mississippi River.
Apartheid, (Afrikaans: “apartness”) policy that governed relations between South Africa's white minority and nonwhite majority and sanctioned racial segregation and political and economic discrimination against nonwhites.
Answer: More about the Greeks and what they accomplished
The Greeks made important contributions to philosophy, mathematics, astronomy, and medicine. Literature and theatre were important aspects of Greek culture and influenced modern drama. The Greeks were known for their sophisticated sculpture and architecture.
During his lifetime, Columbus led a total of four expeditions to the Americas, discovering various Caribbean islands, the Gulf of Mexico, and the South and Central American mainland, but never accomplished his original goal—a western ocean route to the great cities of Asia.