"Prokaryote" is shown in the given image.
Answer: Option A
A prokaryote is a single-cell organism which is deficient in a membranous nucleus, mitochondria, or any other membranous organs. Prokaryotes are categorized into two domains: Bacteria and Archaea. At the third domain: Eukaryota, species with nuclei and organelles are located.
The asexual prokaryotes reproduce without fusion of gametes. They are considered as first living organisms. In the prokaryotes components like proteins, DNA and metabolites, overall the intra-cellular water-soluble components are enclosed by the cell membrane as situated together in the cytoplasm, rather than in separate cellular compartments.
Hi there!
The lower the area, the warner it is, because of the change in air pressure. Less air and less air pressure results in colder temperatures even though higher places may be closer to the sun.
Hope this helps!
The most probable future changes in the global climate are:
- Global warming;
If the levels of CO2 and methane increase enough in the atmosphere to be able to intensify the Greenhouse effect, than some portion of the ice on the planet will melt because of the rising temperatures, thus lifting up the sea level, creating more unpredictable weather with larger and stronger storms, but also making the mainland much drier. This would be a scenario if the continents are arranged like they are now, but if there isn't a sufficient mass of land on and around the poles, than all of the ice will melt and the sea levels will rise so much that the planet will come in the ''water planet'' scenario, and it will have wet tropical climate pretty much everywhere on the planet.
- Ice Age;
If there's a disruption in the warm ocean streams and some of them disappear, or the levels of nitrogen or oxygen increase in the atmosphere, the Earth will start to cool off, thus coming to a situation of an Ice Age. In this kind of situation, there will be large ice sheets on and around the poles that are stretching much further towards the lower latitudes, as well as mountains all over the world that are covered in snow and shaped by glaciers.
a. an example of a transgenic tomato (also called GMO tomato)
Genetic modification is the process by which an organim's genome is manipulated in order to achieve a desirable feature in such organism. Also called genetic engineering, genetic modification involves using biotechnology to alter an organims genetic composition. The organism whose genome is manipulated is called GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISM (GMO) or TRANSGENIC ORGANISM.
In this case, a tomato with a gene from a fish that helps the tomato resist frost damage is said to be an example of GMO or transgenic organism because the genome of the tomato plant has been manipulated by inserting a desirable gene (resistance to frost) into it.