I think you mean Interior. Interior means something that is within; inside.
A sentence example would be: He observed the mansion's interior with awe.
I hope this helped.
Thank you,
The families had tombs such as the Capulets tombs. Juliet was pretending to be dead, so she would be in there. Romeo notices her.
Here's some topics, do the one that interests you most:
- How to prevent stress
- Feminism
- Why trees should not be cut down / deforestation
- Foster care
- Ocean biomes
- Family violence
- Human cloning benefits
- How do clouds form
- Extinct / endangered species
- Why the titanic sank
- Black holes in space
is an
A predicate noun is a single noun or a noun phrase that renames the subject of a sentence and follows a form of the verb "to be" or another linking verb.