The effect the Gutenberg’s printer had on society was the sudden widespread of information.
1. Gutenberg’s invention of the printing press had an impact also on religion.
<em>The Bible</em> was no longer copied by hand, but was printed with the press at much higher speed. <em>The Bible</em> and other religious pamphlets in Latin were printed and distributed all over Europe.
Also, the religious ideas of <em>Martin Luther</em> were spread across Europe with the help of printing presses.
Gutenberg’s discovery had a big impact on <em>the Renaissance</em>, because it made possible to copy ancient philosophy books and scripts at higher speed.
<em>Literacy</em> was also improved in Europe, with the easier access to books.
2. It is considered one of the most important inventions of mankind. From then on it was possible to print and spread information very quickly.
This fact alone represents one of the biggest revolutions in human society. It represents one of the <em>first steps of technological and scientific progress</em>.
Without it, it would have been impossible to achieve all the developments of civilization, and the world as we know it today, wouldn’t be imaginable.
favor a strong central government and believe that the government should have the power to control commerce, tax, declare war, and make treaties.
They were organized into villages and that was about there family status
The correct answer is 6) Bactria
The farthest reaches of Alexander conquests is indicated in the map with number 6. This indicates the region of Bactra, which is a territory situated in Central Asia, located between the Hindu Kush to the south, and the Oxus river to the north; its capital was the city of Balh (Bactra or Zaraspa). Today that territory corresponds to several nations, northern Afghanistan, southern Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan.
The classic language of Bactriana was an Indo-European language of the Indo-Iranian sub-family, the Bactrian language, but there were a lot of Greeks living there in times of Alejandro and Seleuco, his successor in that region.
In Bactria he got married with Roxana, and they had a child, but they and all the members of Alexander family were murdered after his death.
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