Answer A, it causes the least conflict and the person should not feel attacked. It also shares your emotion about the situation in a polite way.
Pulsing is the combination of flighting and persistent booking by utilizing a low promoting level lasting through the year and substantial publicizing during top selling periods.
Product classes that are sold all year yet experience a flood in deals at irregular periods are great possibility for beating.
Answer: Marketing Era
The Marketing Era is one of the so-called eras of Marketing which defined how producers related to customers and hence try to show how marketing has changed over the years.
In the Marketing Era
, the focus of producers was to give the customers items they actually needed and wanted so that instead of having to convince customers to buy goods that the company made which the customers may not have wanted, by making what the customer actually wanted, they would not have to spend so much on convincing them.
1. Inside the dorm room, the movies are <em>Non-Rival</em> which means that one person can watch the movie and it will not diminish the ability of others to watch as well.
Also as they are all in the same dorm, the showing of the movie is <em>Non-Excludable</em> as well because no one can stop the other from watching.
Public good is both Non-Rival and Non-Excludable so the showing of a movie IS a public good.
Musashi Sean Bob Eric Total Willingness to pay
10 9 8 3 30
8 7 6 2 23
6 5 4 1 16
4 3 2 0 9
2 1 0 0 3
The optimal number of movies that can be rented is dependent on their total willingness to pay. If their Total willingness to pay for the movie is above $8 which is the cost of a movie, then they will get it. From the table, the fifth movie is below the price of $8 so they <u>should rent 4 movie</u>s.
3. If they rent 4 movies and there are 4 of them then the cost per person is;
= (8 *4)/4 people
= 24/4
= $8
This means that each roommate will pay <u>$8</u>.