Explanation:Evolution describes changes in inherited traits of populations through successive generations. To fully understand the science of ecology, one must first be able to grasp evolutionary concepts.
OphthalmoUse in words to mean eyeOphthalmitisInflammation of the eyeOphthalmicPertaining to the eyeOcularPertaining to the eyeOphthalmalgia or OphthalmodyniaPain in the eyeOphthalmoptosis or Ophthalmocele or ExophthalmosHerniation of the eyeOphthalmometerInstrument used to measure the eyeOphthalmopathyAny disease of the eyeOphthalmoplastyPlastic surgery of the eyeOphthalmoplegiaParalysis of the eye musclesOphthalmologyThe medical specialty studying eye disease and surgery of the eyeOphthalmologistPerson who specializes in ophthalmologyOphthalmoscopyThe examination of the interior of the eyeOphthalmoscopeThe instrument used for an ophthalmoscopy-opiaSuffix for visionOpticAdjective; Pertaining to visionOptoCombining form for visionOphthalmoCombining form for eyeOphthalmicAdjective; Pertaining to the eyeOptometristOne who measures visual acuity; Limited to eye examination and prescribing corrective lensesOpticAdjective; The cranial nerve for visionOptometrythe measurement of vision; The practice of assessing vision disordersOphthalmic TechnicianA special technician who assists ophthalmologists with eye exams and helps fit corrective lensesCyanopiaA defect in vision that causes objects to appear blueXanthopiaYellow visionChloropiaGreen visionErythropiaRed visionMyopiaNearsightednessHyperopiaFarsightednessPresbyopiaLoss of accommodationDiplopiaDouble visionDiplo- or Dipl-Prefix meaning doubleDiplocardiaHaving a double heartDiplogenesisProduction of double parts or double substancesDiplopiaDouble visionAmbi-Prefix meaning both sides or bothAmbilateralPertaining to both sidesAmbidextrousCan work well with both handsAmbiopiaBoth eyes forming separate imagesDiplobacillusBacillus that occurs in pairsDiplococcusA coccus that grows in pairsLensThe light travels though the ___ of the eye-opterPrefix meaning visibleDiopterA unit of measurement of refraction in the eyeDiascopeAn instrument used for looking through-tropiaSuffix meaning turningStrabismus or SquintWhen the eyes appear to be turned in an abnormal position while openExo-Prefix meaning outwardEso-Prefix meaning towardHypo-Prefix meaning downwardHyper-Prefix meaning upwardExotropiaEyes pointing outwardEsotropiaEyes pointing inwardHypertropiaEyes pointing upwardHypotropiaEyes pointing downwardPhoiaTo carry to bearDysphoriaA feeling of depression that you can carry with you in an ill feelingEuphoriaA feeling of well beingPhoropterAn instrument used to determine the prescription strength needed for corrective lensesBlepharoptoisProlapse of an eyelidBlepharoCombining form for eyelidBlepharedemaSwelling of the eyelidEdemaSwellingEdematousThe adjectival form of swollenBlepharitisInflammation of an eyelidBlehpharotomyIncision of an eyelidBlepharectomyExcision of lesions on the eyelidBlepharoplastySurgical repair of an eyelidBlepharospasmTwitching of an eyelidBlepharoptosisProlapse of an eye lid (droopy eye lid)BlepharorrhaphySuture of the eyelidConjunctivaThe membrane that lines the eyelids (palperbral conjunctiva; sclera/bulbar conjunctiva)ConjunctivitisInflammation of the conjunctivaCorneoCombining form for corneaIrRoot word for irisSclerRoot word for scleraPhacoCombining form for the crystalline lens of the eyePhacoceleProtrusion of the lensCataractsOpacities that develop on the lens of the eyePhacoemulsificationThe removal of the lensSclerosisCondition of hardnessScleralPertaining to the sclera; AdjectiveSclerectomyExcision of the sclera, or part of itSclerostomyFormation of an opening into the scleraScleritisInflammation of the scleraIrisThe colored part of the eyeIro and IridoCombining forms for irisIritisInflammation of the irisCorneoiritisInflammation of the cornea and iris
pigs, badgers, bears, coatis, civets, hedgehogs, opossums, skunks, sloths, squirrels, raccoons, chipmunks, mice, and rats. The hominidae, including humans, chimpanzees, gorillas and orangutans are also omnivores.
Answer: the carbon dioxide would increase
LDL (low-density lipoprotein) carry cholesterol from the liver to the tissues and can contribute to the formation of plaque that builds up in the arteries.
<h3>What are lipids?</h3>
Lipids are soluble in fat and to circulate in the blood, which is an aqueous medium, they form lipoprotein complexes called lipoproteins, these constitute a transport medium and circulating reservoir for lipids.
<h3>Characteristics of LDL (low-density lipoprotein)</h3>
- Low-density lipoproteins, composed of 50% triglycerides, are the ones that transport the lipids synthesized in the liver to other parts of the body.
- LDL, composed mainly of cholesterol, when in excess, also deposits it on the walls of the arteries, contributing to the formation of plaque.
Therefore, we can conclude that excess LDL (low-density lipoprotein) poses a health risk because it facilitates the accumulation of fat in the arteries.
Learn more about lipoproteins here: