Water in the roots is pulled through a plant through the transpiration. Transpiration is the loss of water vapor through the Stomata of the leaves. It uses 90 percent of the water that enters the plant and the remaining 10 percent is used in photosynthesis and cell growth.
Colonists made soap from an animal fat and potassium hydroxide. In interaction of fat and alkali there is a hydrolysis reaction. At the same time salts of a potassium and alcohols are formed.
C. The reactions take up too much space in the cell if the enzymes are missing.
A) With the closer spacing for the rows, the growing corn plants will quickly form a dense canopy of leaves, which will, by shading the ground, minimize the need for costly weed control and irrigation.
If the space among plants is less, the shadow that they are going to produce is going to reduce the need of water, so they production will rise and the cost to maintain the crops will be less, so the producer can double the profits.
Pardon? I don’t understand the question