The plans contain the Death Star's entire design history, including the flaw introduced into its reactor system. Stolen by Jyn Erso, they are beamed to the Profundity, copied and hidden in the memory systems of a humble astromech droid.
1.Front side
2.Either side
3. The outside of the stage
To learn the lines of the bass clef, the awkward mnemonic “Good Boys Do Fine Always” is typically used, with the first letter of each word indicating the notes on that line (bottom to top: G, B, D, F, A). For the spaces, the mnemonic “All Cows Eat Grass” is used.
By modern standards, nineteenth-century photography can appear rather primitive. While the stark black and white landscapes and unsmiling people have their own austere beauty, these images also challenge our notions of what defines a work of art.
Photography is a controversial fine art medium, simply because it is difficult to classify—is it an art or a science? Nineteenth century photographers struggled with this distinction, trying to reconcile aesthetics with improvements in technology.