The completed analogy would be crocodilian: crocodile
A crocodilian is a family of reptiles that includes alligators, caimans, crocodiles, and 23 other species.
They are feeling more and more anxious as they try to figure out what is going on.
1. Biodiversity
Pond ecosystems are vital for fish, birds, plants, crustaceans, and insects like dragonflies, damsel flies, and pond skaters.
2. Community property
Pond ecosystems exist on every continent. That makes them vital to life on Earth.
3. Plenty
Pond habitats abound. They are abundant and virtually everywhere. That makes them a vital habitat for many animals.
4. Hydration source
Even if they do not reside in pond habitats, many animals visit them for a drink. A watering hole in the desert or prairie. These ecosystems may also provide water to humans.
5. Grace
Pond habitats are very lovely. Watching the sun bounce off a pond's surface may inspire, relax, and connect us to nature.