Methinks already from this chemic flame, I see a city of more precious mould: Rich as the town which gives the Indies name, With silver paved, and all divine with gold.
If we imagine ourselves in the scene in which the witness speaks with a firm and confident voice saying "that is the man I saw", the most probable thing is that it convinces us because she is very sure of herself, the witness does not doubt it for a moment, she/he is stating it.
The word <u>averred</u> can be replaced by <u>stated</u> since they have the same meaning. Other synonims can be claim, declare or affirm.
When the daughter performed, her playing was sloppy.
Saying "the daughter" twice is repitition and doesn't make the sentence flow smoothly.
Taxes increasing, food, housing, children, family, sickness, insurance, doctors, and other everyday essientals.