The 'Triangular Trade' was the route that British slave traders used. It had three different stages/ destinations.
A. He created the Federal Reserve System, which allowed the government to control the flow of money in the country.
The federal Reserve enable the central government to print /create the money that circulated in the country. This ability give the power to the central government to control the rate of inflation/deflation the country.
For example, If the country is experiencing inflation, the central government could reduce the amount of printed money. By doing this, the value of money circulated in the country will gradually increase and the rate of inflation be reduced.
As a former mission the site had great religious importance in Texas did Jim Bowie have for defending the Alamo.
As a former mission, the site had great religious importance to Texans.
Mission san Antonio de Valero was built by Spanish settlers it housed missionaries and Native American converts. In 1793 the lands of the five missions was divided among the local people. The abandoned chapel of the mission was occupied by several military troops in the later years.
The fort which housed the chapel was called El Alamo. Alamo is an important location in Texas’ war of independence from Mexico. Texas soldiers gained control of Alamo in 1836 and even after the being suggested to abandon the fort due to lack of sufficient troops people like Colonel Jim Bowie decided to defend the fort until last breath because of the religious significance the fort had.