The answer is - Impulsive
Impulsive buying or shopping is the buying or purchasing of a product on the spur of the moment without thought. It is an unplanned decision to buy a product or service which is made just before the purchase or without planning in advance. Chava's actual intention was to buy a birthday gift for her brother, she ended up buying a new pair of designer eyewear which she had no intention of buying earlier.
Explanation: Reciprocity is a norm amongst people which is due to the act of kindness committed by one person to us ,that result to us feeling encouraged and motivated to commit the act of kindness back to those people , it is a norm of sharing out of the kindness of our heart because people have also been kind to us.
Because some states have more senators and representatives.
It is a court case that is studied because it has legal and historical importance.
Sixth Amendment of the United States Constitution is the amendment that covers the right for an accused person to prompt, public trial, to be informed of charges, and to have a lawyer. The Sixth Amendment of the United States Constitution is actually a part of the Bill of Rights, that actually defines the rights that are directly related to criminal prosecution.The Supreme Court is the authority that applies the protections of the amendments to the states. As per this ammendment the accused has the right to have an impartial trial and the jury has to be impartial while taking a decision.