visual basic: 1)
Module PHmodule
Sub Main()
'Creating a variable for each entity
dim ph as double = 0.0, neutral,base,acid as boolean
'Writing a line to show user what to do
console.writeline("Enter the pH :")
'Taking the value
'using if & elseif statement for distingushing the values into correct catagories
if ph<7.0 then
elseif ph>7.0 then
elseif ph=7.0 then
end if
'Printing the result
console.writeline(" Neutral :" & Neutral)
console.writeline(" base :" & base)
console.writeline(" acid :" & acid)
'command for staying in the command prompt for reading the result
End Sub
End Module
visual basic: 2)
Module AGEmodule()
Sub Main()
'Creating a variable for each entity
dim age,minors,adults,seniors as integer = 0
'Taking age from user
console.writeline("Enter the age")
'using if & elseif statement for checking the age differnce
if age<18 then'
minors +=1
else if age>18 and age<64 then
adults +=1
else if age>64 then
seniors +=1
end if
'printing result
'command for reading the result
End Sub
End Module
visual basic 1) it is very simple program which allow us to find if the substance is acidic, basic or neutral. we use sim statement for making a variable as double (gives value in decimal) which allow to take a value from the user through console.readline() command and then by using the if statement we apply the condition if the ph is less then, greator then or equal to 7.0 value. thus the program gives us the answer. console.writeline() command is used to print a command on the screen while console.readline() command let us read the lines until we press enter.
visual basic 2)a program which allow us to count and add number of persons according to their age. we use dim statement for creating the variable as integers in which we take the age from user and then after checking it through if statement we increment according to three categories i.e. minors, adults, seniors. the console.writeline() command allow us to print anything on screen and console.readline() allowus to take value while compiling.
thank you...