There was a traditional belief that the <em>Church</em> taught, that is, the focus of life and the universe was God, for He is the Creator of all things, therefore, all human beings should <em>aknowledge and worship </em><em>Him</em>. But some ideas and philosophies had <em>other views</em>, <em>differently from that simple faith</em>, exalting the <em>reason and man</em>, and this should be the new focus, <em>Man and not God</em>.
The term "Humanism" has had fluctuating meanings in different historical moments, nevertheless, it could be generally defined as an ethical and philosophical current that puts emphasis on human being's agency, through evidence and reason over the acceptance of superstition and dogma. Humanism connected to ideas about changing the way people celebrated their faith mainly because it rejected the supernatural and was human centered. Many ancient cultures embraced humanism or started to believe in humanistic discourses. For example, the Greek philosophers Thales of Miletus and Xenophanes of Colophon, used human reason to explain the world instead of mythology. In this sense, people's faith ceased to be the center of discourses and human reason gradually became a stronger authority.
The Lieutenant Governor of Washington presides over the Washington State Senate.The Vice President of the United States presides over the United States senate.